mr. brightside
Ben, Benji, Benny.
(Kin names are okay too !)
1992 -- he or she pronouns.
Your one of a kind trans gay latino collectible ~
Cesar is my amazing spider-man fiance *
Felix is my notoriously adorable black cat queen platonic partner.
When I'm not frolicking in absolute terror and confusion, you can find me drawing or playing illegally obtained videogames.

before you listen -- kin list -- emoji key -- contact
* Note This has been asked before, so I will adress it here! I do often call Cesar my boyfriend, fiance or husband, because in our country equal marriage is not legal, even tho I proposed to him on 2014 with a water tribe necklace becase we are huge avatar nerds, and we've been living together since 2015 💙
* Second note I rant a lot about the flaws of the mcu in both representating correctly the characters from the comics, and aslo the minorities on the big screen, be aware!